A dedication Prayer

Our butterfly will be installed in front of the church. She is a reminder that as we grow and blossom, we do not keep it all to ourselves. We share in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ outside our four walls.
Please pray with us:
Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth, we pray that what is planted here will grow and flourish, watered by your gracious blessing.
From this ground let there rise the proclamation of your saving Word as revealed in scripture, the celebration of your redeeming love on the cross by which we are fed at Christ's table, and the acceptance of your baptismal claim in the power of the Holy Spirit.
May the house built here be not only a haven for the gathering of your people, but a home for their nurture and preparation to go into the world as faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
(from the Book of Occasional Services)
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