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Worship is in person Sunday @ 10:30 AM masks optional and is also available online see link below,



10:30 AM Sundays services are recorded and uploaded to YouTube and Facebook when available

See Link to Worship Services on this page


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Worship Services

Presbyterian Women, SPA, T.O.P.S







Presbyterian Woman meet at 12pm every 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Kitchen.  Come and join in the fun, study, and fellowship of the Presbyterian Women.  There is a place for you.


 S.P.A (Study Pray Act) is a book guided study group that puts their words into action. They meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 12pm in the church kitchen.


T.O.P.S. (Taking pounds off sensibly) meet every Monday at 9am in the kitchen, and offer guidence and support for ac healthier lifstyle. 


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